HMRC is warning taxpayers against a spate of fake e-mails in the run up to the 31st January self assessment deadline, which promise a tax rebate to the recipient.

These “phishing” e-mails contain a link to a clone of HMRC’s website where the recipient is asked to share their bank or credit card details. Those who fall victim to the scam risk having their bank accounts emptied and their personal details sold on to other organised criminal gangs.

HMRC has confirmed it will only ever contact customers who are due a tax refund in writing by post and does not use telephone calls, e-mails or external companies.

They have advised that suspicious e-mails should be forwarded to and then deleted. No websites or other links contained within the e-mail should be clicked on, nor should any attachments be opened.

For further information or advice, contact a member of the Tax Team at your local Champion office.