Client: MQI Limited

Sector: Digital

Geographic location: Helsby, Cheshire

Qualifying R&D expenditure included costs for:

  • Staffing
  • Consumables
  • Sub-contractor cost

The Company

Serving the global pharmaceutical companies in the life science industry, MQI Limited develops complex manufacturing execution software systems which support regulatory requirements while reducing risk, lowering costs, improving efficiency and speed to market.

The Solution

MQI Limited had never submitted an R&D tax relief claim previously meaning that we were able to identify qualifying R&D activities.

“We had never heard of R&D tax relief before; Champion were recommended to us and we weren’t disappointed. After the initial meeting it was a very easy process, Champion ran with it and there wasn’t much for us to do.

“The tax benefit that we’ve claimed back through R&D will allow the money to be reinvested into the company to make further developments. As it’s a continuing process we now make decisions with our customers leveraging R&D.”

Nigel Williams, director at MQI Limited

To see what you could claim, contact David Herd on:


T: 0161 703 2500