Having a handle on your finances is vital to ensuring your business can grow and blossom.
Yet smaller firms, with limited in-house resource, know all too well how this can take time away from your customers.
Thankfully, accountancy is going through a huge transition, fuelled by advancements in technology. As a result, an increasing number of start-ups and micro-businesses are switching to the cloud to reap the benefits of online accounting.
To offer our clients the very benefits that online accounting brings, we’ve partnered with software experts, Xero.
Smart, intuitive and beautifully designed, the software can be accessed from any device with an internet connection; meaning business owners can stay connected 24/7.
The software also gives you a crystal clear, real-time view of your current financial situation right at your fingertips, enabling you to make better and informed decisions.
In addition, the paperless benefits enable you to import data straight into the platform, minimising the risk of error whilst also improving efficiency.
Our client manager, Danny Evans, has helped organisations across the North West make the switch to Xero, saving time and money which can reinvested elsewhere in the business.
For more information, contact Danny today on Danny.Evans@championgroup.co.uk or call 0161 703 2500.